Saturday, December 30, 2006

Week 3 Day 6

Hello Fam and Happy New Year!
I still have not committed to my life changes for 2007. But I am narrowing down the possibilities. Where has the year gone? I feel lucky because I have had the opportunity to spend time with each of you during 2006. Hopefully we can all be together in 2007. That brings me to a very important point; Lynn and I have both brought up the sister get together, now it is time for the two younger sisters to commit to a time and a place.
Today I ran 3 miles continuously on the road. Yeah me! Now I can't move my bod but I feel I am committed to the training challenge. It is not easy to keep to the training program.
Lynn, congratulations on the new laptop, how exciting. Nick and I purchased a computer program for the Ipod that allows you to transfer music from your Ipod to computer. It was only about $10. What would be great if you purchased the program is the opportunity to transfer all of your kids music from their Ipods to your computer. Sure would give you a large music library. Without having to buy all that music. I bought the program from Circuit City.
Well I'm meeting some friends for dinner.
Lynn, thanks for sending the Christmas pictures.

Love you all, deb