Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cool Information

I checked out Jeff's blog and he has some cool information. Google had a website called google map pedometer
and it will map a route for you whereever you are. So if any of us need a new route or travel this is the place to go.
I decided tomorrow I will begin my training. Wish me luck.

Day 4 of the Challenge

Well hello everyone, I'm glad to see that some of you are using this blog. Let's start thinking about Lynn's suggestion about scheduling the next Wulff girls adventure. I think a resort is a great idea (lay at the pool and a few spa treatments), it might be best to go somewhere where it is a Delta hub so it would be easy for Teece to get there.
Now regarding the challenge I could be in trouble. So far I have not exercised or walked yet. Thanks to Lynn I have a terrible cold and my head is ready to explode. I thought I might get to it this afternoon but a nap sounds even better. I will make myself do the assignment. I promise.
Teece, please let us know when your kids get their packages. I think we are all excited for them to open them and hoping it is something they wanted.
After spending the day in bed and sleeping yesterday I finally moved my ass and the kids and I got the tree. I think this is the latest we have ever put the tree up. As of now all decorations are up and all I need to do is start buying a few gifts.
Mom, they came to rip out and redo my floors this morning but as usal a slight problem they ordered the wrong bullnose. I'm waiting to hear when they will be back.
I love you all and wish we could be together for the holidays. Enjoy each day.