Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 2

Lynn and I completed the weights and stretch routines and just made the workout around 12:00 am east coast time. Hopefully we will get to the run/walk training tomorrow. Lynn is sick and I leave to go home. It's been fun being in Boston and seeing all of the babies, kids and dogs.
I posted the newspaper link for the training in case anyone loses the training pages and Lynn found a blog for someone who is training for the run.

Please post pictures, links and etc.
Well enjoy your day, deb

1 comment:

lynn said...

okay jamie what did ya do today besides lift a lot of packages

teece hope you got to the gym this morning.

deb sorry you had to leave today - it was so much fun having you here for the week. glad you pulled it all together and jay to come also.
love you guys. we need a sisters get together - what do you say we plan something for some time soon. some where that is easy for all of us to get to. let's do a resort some where.